The Bonsai Trailer Court is where you’ll find my old short stories.

My Scrivener Cork Board for K-Rave

I screwed up my AuntyAlias astrology WordPress platform. Don’t ask me how because if I knew then I would have fixed it to be how it was before. I’m starting over and it’s a good thing for a number of reasons.

The main reason is I’m planning on focusing on my fiction writing.

Second reason is I’m stepping down from my volunteer position at the San Francisco Astrological Society after nearly 10 years.

Anyone clicking on a random link on my website will end up here. That’s my guess anyway.

I about had a heart attack when I was installing WordPress on my root directory and my website home page disappeared. I backtracked and removed that WordPress installation and install it here on this sub-directory. But I went the long way around not finding the quick WordPress install button on Ipage.

I downloaded WP and did the FTP dance to no avail. I don’t know why I keep on trying these WordPress installs. I should just stick to static HTML pages like my old assed website.

Convenient Log-In Link for myself until I figure out how to get a meta tag box here on the home page.

Still poking about & sitting on the bank of the river

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First post as opposed to first page

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Ok, I’m figuring it out

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