Try as I may I can’t figure out how to make meta tags on the home page so I can log in easily. I guess I should just make it a live link until I can figure it out.
My account for has a dead blog as a primary website and I can’t figure out how to change that. Outside of deleting that account and creating another account with the updated information, which is pretty severe.
Let me see if I can use Dragon 15 to dictate some of this stuff.
I opened up Dragon 15 and made effort to dictate inside of the WordPress platform and nothing happened. Which means if I’m to dictate my blogs I would have to open up a notepad, dictated there, then highlight the text to copy it to WordPress. It’s so weird with this Dragon 15 that if I use the word that is also a command, like “copy” or “paste”, it gets confused.
Okay, the WordPress Theme that I used for the last effort for WordPress installation, I can’t find. I was able to have a sidebar that had metadata on it and things like the current planets of the day which it from and log in links. But I can’t remember what was the name of that theme so I could use it again.
It’s almost 2 PM and I’ve been at this for about three hours and only got my marble background set up and little else. I checked some plug-ins to see about adding a block or breaking up the homepage and to columns. But nothing was particularly satisfying in those efforts.
I know this is boring. Anyone who is reading this is a real trooper.
My son Tosh said last night, “I figured something was going on because you are so serious for so long.”
Yeah, I installed a WordPress platform on my root directory and disappeared my homepage from Nora When I realized what I’d done I almost fainted. I had to hurry up and remove that WordPress platform off of my root directory and install it in this subdirectory. Then my homepage reappeared and my heart was beating beating beating really fast. I’m going to shorten what’s left of my life by scaring myself like this. I really thought I screwed up my main website.
So my desire is to get some sort of easy access to my logon. I am going to have to go the old-fashioned route and just added a live link at the bottom of my homepage until I figure it out. The contact page has links to my Facebook page, Twitter, and Tumblr. So at least that’s done.
I know I’m going to have to change the theme before it’s all said and done. I’m going to consider anything I write on this WordPress platform as blowing smoke out the window. It’s going to be ephemeral. I have had so many WordPress platforms get hacked, go buggy, go belly up for some reason or another. I can’t be emotionally attached to anything I write on this platform. If I want something to stay forever I’m going to have to make it into a static HTML page on my website, because any sort of nattering I’ve done over the years, like rambles to the ClayMates at CITY-o-Clay, are still on my main website.
That’s why I used a picture of my polymer clay feather experiment for this post. I’m still in shock that Yahoo groups went belly up on 12-15-2020. I still had over 2000 subscribers to CITY-o-Clay, even though the group had gone fallow. I have 26 subscribers on my Google group of the same name. It’s not being used either. So I really shouldn’t be going through a whole lot of mourning.
I started COC 15 years ago, after breaking away from MSAT (Mini Scenes And Things) Yahoo group family, with a handful of other groups to start our CITY-Lists yahoo group family. I had been part of MSAT for around five years before the big split happened. So that’s the good portion of my life invested in teaching polymer clay and being involved in the miniature scene.
A lot of things ended, not the least of which was the death of RickieBeth Epstien, in February 2020. She was 66 years old when she died of renal failure. I also discovered that her husband Jim died before her, and I think he was younger than she was.
Isn’t there an old Chinese saying that if you sit at the bank of the river long enough you’ll see the body of your enemies float by. That’s my feeling about RickieBeth’s passing. Our relationship did not end well and she held a serious grudge for a long time. I felt like I had keep looking over my shoulder because of her hostility towards me. Now I don’t have to anymore. I hope she’s found some peace on the other side. That’s the best that I can say.
Now I shall go put a live log-in links on the homepage.